This year, the scenic village of Birdhill, County Tipperary, is once again the backdrop for an extraordinary open-air art exhibition, titled “Capturing the Moment: At One with Nature.”

With over 30 large-scale artworks displayed on massive pine boards measuring 1.3×1.3 meters, the exhibition celebrates the intimate connection between art and the natural world.
As an artist, I have always found inspiration in the landscapes and wildlife that surround me, often translating these elements into my paintings.
However, this year, I decided to step outside my comfort zone and paint a subject I rarely explore—myself. The decision to create a self-portrait was not made lightly, but I felt compelled to capture a deeply personal and transformative moment in my life: my pregnancy with my beautiful daughter, Maeve.
The painting was inspired by a photograph my husband took during a memorable day when I was heavily pregnant. It was the season of rapeseed flowers, their vibrant yellow blossoms painting the fields in a sea of gold.
The sun was warm, the sky clear, and we felt an irresistible urge to capture this moment. We embarked on a drive to the Rock of Cashel, searching for the perfect field to immortalize the memory. After a short climb over a stone wall, we found it—a golden field that seemed to stretch on forever, perfectly reflecting the warmth and joy of the day.

In this painting, I aimed to encapsulate the complex emotions that accompany pregnancy. It is a time of profound joy, anticipation, and love, yet also one of uncertainty, fear, and vulnerability. Standing in that field, I was filled with a mix of emotions: happiness, apprehension, and a sense of wonder at the new life growing inside me. Through this artwork, I hoped to convey the serenity of that moment, intertwined with the powerful, sometimes conflicting, feelings of impending motherhood.

This is my second time exhibiting in Birdhill, and I am incredibly grateful to Melissa Ryan for her dedication and hard work in bringing this beautiful event to life. Her passion for art and nature has made this exhibition a reality, offering a unique space for artists to showcase their work in harmony with the environment.
The painting, like all the others in this exhibition, is for sale. I hope that whoever acquires it will find solace in the peacefulness of the scene and recognize the beauty in life’s journey—the struggles, the joys, and the moments that define us. This piece is a celebration of life, nature, and the deep connection we share with both. I invite you to join us in Birdhill and experience this unique exhibition, where art and nature become one.
